03 March 2010

a parable on modern life

Here's something from Anthony de Mello's book "The Song of the Bird".

A Parable on Modern Life

The animals met in assembly and began to complain
that humans were always taking things from them.

"They take my milk," said the cow.
"They take my eggs," said the hen.
"They take my flesh for bacon," said the hog.
"They hunt me for my oil," said the whale.

Finally the snail spoke. "I have something they would
certainly take away from me if they could.
Something they want more than anything else.
I have TIME."

-You have all the time in the world, if you would give it to yourself.What's stopping you?

personal reflection:
what's stopping you? yes, it's also worth our time to reflect about TIME, it's one of the most important intangible elements in man's existence. so how do we spend our time?does it go to trivial things?or to where it's supposed to be spent?is it being consumed just to satisfy our personal interests?making money?does some of it go to the needy?the people who needs a bit of our time?or is it concentrated to fill our pleasure-seeking appetite?can we really claim for ourselves that we are using it wisely?or are we simply wasting it?it's very rare when we meet people saying they have so much time.it's always the case of 'i don't have enough time.' we can't add to what has been established as twenty four hours, we can't even deduct an hour or a minute from it. we simply have to sort things out. we have to identify what activities do not deserve our time, they are the so-called 'time-wasters'. i think everyone has them. we simply have to eliminate these time-wasters and devote that time to more productive things.
lastly, let us learn how to be more appreciative of this valuable
gift. time is actually how we often measure life.how we spend it can actually say something about what kind of people we are.

photo taken from this site