06 July 2009

juana change

Today is always the result of actions and decisions taken yesterday. Man, however, whatever his title or rank, cannot foresee the future. Yesterday's actions and decisions, no matter how courageous or wise they may have been, inevitably become today's problems, crises, and stupidities.- Peter Drucker, The Effective Executive.

yesterday's paper mentioned juana change, i thought it was some sort of gimmick written on the front page (juana change pdi article). after reading the article i went to the website and clicked on the youtube link and checked the videos. almost all the relevant issues especially political ones can be seen on the videos. most of them are funny, the way the actress and the characters portray what's really happening in the Philippines. my first reaction was to find the videos hilarious but watching them again made me realize that they are more than spoofs, they are in fact what the country is facing and is suffering from.

juana change as mentioned in the article could mean two things:

it could be read as 'wa na change'- simply dismisses the country as a hopeless case of corrupt and morally rotten people.
or the other way of saying it is 'wanna change'- the strong desire to change our old ways in achieving both economic stability and real freedom.
in addition, i think the third way of putting or reading it is 'wanna change?'. in a form of a question, and for each citizen to answer, i think everbody does want change. question now is, what are we doing to achieve that change?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...i think for me the third way of saying it works for me.

yeah...you got me thinking what am i gonna do to change our society?

-the still unregistered voter :P