27 April 2020

Life After Covid 19 and the New Normal

Currently planning for the "new normal". It has been more than a month since the government implemented ECQ in Luzon and I have been reflecting on the implications and impact of this unexpected pandemic. What's the "new normal" after the "new normal" anyway? hehe.
I came up with a list of the things I'd do when we begin with the "new normal" which drawing near:
1. Plant more and grow more food to be less dependent on the market and minimize the effects of price fluctuations. A pot of edible plant goes a long way.
2. Responsible consumption. Scarcity will always be a fact of life and a throw-away culture is making the reality more observable today. I'll try to take and/or purchase what is enough and what is needed.
3. Read and write more. These are activities which could strengthen our mental fiber and thinking skills. I'd like to devote more time for these things on a daily basis.
4. Appreciate more and criticize less. These days I have learned to be more appreciative even of the small and trivial things. Having something to eat and having things to grow, the passing of day, the afternoon rain, conversations with the neighbors.
5. Work less to live more. Covid 19 is partly sending a message that time is life and life is time, how we spend it is how we live it. Cheers!

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